Webinar: Learn About the Speech Accessibility Project

Thursday, January 16th | 12:00 PM

Help make technology more accessible for people with Down syndrome! Please note this webinar has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 16th!

The MDSC is proud to partner with The Speech Accessibility Project at the University of Illinois Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology to help recruit participants for an important research initiative. The Speech Accessibility Project’s goal is to improve speech recognition technology for people whose disabilities affect their voices. The project is funded by Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft. The research team is currently recruiting adults with Down syndrome (18+) to participate!
The research team is excited to host a webinar for the MDSC community to learn more this project, how to participate, and the impact it will have on the disability community!

*this will be recorded and all registrants will receive the recording following the live webinar*

Grandparents Zoom – Sharing & Connecting

Thursday, January 23rd | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
This is a virtual event.

The MDSC Grandparent Zooms are an opportunity to share and connect with other grandparents, learn about MDSC resources and feel supported and inspired!

To register, please reach out to MDSC Family Support Director, Sarah Cullen at scullen@mdsc.org.

Special Health Care Needs and Behavioral Needs Support Group – Autism as co-occurring diagnosis & behavior concerns

Saturday, January 25th | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

The Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress (MDSC) and the Boston Children’s Hospital Down Syndrome Program are co-hosting a quarterly support group for families of children with Down syndrome and special health care and/or behavioral needs.

Parents, please join us for a Zoom to connect with others and feel supported on Saturday, October 26 from 9 – 10:30 AM with Angela Lombardo, LICSW and Sarah Cullen. The topic of this meeting will be Autism as co-occurring diagnosis & behavior concerns.

GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Yamini Jagannath Howe

Dr. Yamini Jagannath Howe is a developmental-behavioral pediatrician and Site Medical Director for Cortica Burlington site in Massachusetts. Dr. Howe has dedicated her career to the diagnosis and ongoing care of young children with learning, behavioral, or communication challenges that co-occur with autism or neurogenetic conditions. Her patient care is informed by lived experience as a mother of two, one of whom has an intellectual disability due to Down syndrome. She works with families to develop holistic treatment plans that may include medication and other therapies to support their child’s wellness and ongoing development. With training from top institutions around New England (MIT, Tufts, Brown) and work experience at MGH and Harvard Medical school, Dr. Howe brings empathy and excellence to her clinical care. She is the recipient of Best of Boston 2022, 2023, and 2024 awards and has been actively involved in research, education, and advocacy work.

PLEASE pre-register so we can follow-up with friendly reminders closer to the meeting. Email Sarah Cullen at scullen@mdsc.org or Angela Lombardo at angela.lombardo@childrens.harvard.edu for more information!

We are here for you!

8–12 year old Playgroup

Saturday, January 25th | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
We Rock The Spectrum Westford, MA

Playgroup for families whose child with Ds is ages 8 – 12. Lunch will be served!

**NOTE: Due to space limitations, max of 4 people per family and every person must wear socks

Down Syndrome-Autism Connection Monthly Chat (ages 11-17)

Wednesday, January 29th | 8:00 p.m.
This is a virtual event.

The Down Syndrome-Autism Connection, an affiliate of MDSC, invites all families affected by Down syndrome and autism, including families who recently got an autism diagnosis, to join them for their regular Zoom chat the last Wednesday of every month at 8pm.

Now, to be able to serve families best, the DSAC is breaking out these monthly chats by age group — Up to 10, 11-17, and Over 18. With monthly meeting cycling through these three age groups, each cohort will now meet quarterly, from September to May. Mark your calendars!

New Family Social (In-Person)

Saturday, February 1st | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
20 Burlington Mall Rd, Burlington, MA Lower level conference room

Open to family members of little ones ages 0–4. These are an informal way to meet other families, learn about resources and connect. Light refreshments served. For RSVP or any questions, please reach out to MDSC Family Support Director Sarah Cullen at scullen@mdsc.org


If you or anyone in your family is not feeling well, we ask that you stay home to ensure a safe, healthy environment for our families!

NEW! Caregiver Support Group

Tuesday, February 4th |

Last month, MDSC was proud to recognize National Family Caregivers Month and the incredible dedication, fortitude and compassion of all those who provide critical support for their family members with disabilities. (It is estimated that 53 million people in the U.S. support a loved one with disabilities.)

Now, we are pleased to launch next month a new MDSC Caregiver Support Group. This virtual support group is specifically for parents and caregivers of aging loved ones with Down syndrome who are experiencing cognitive changes, including dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. This group provides information, resources, emotional support, and a space for connection with others navigating similar challenges.

We understand just how much caregivers give to ensure that their loved one can be safe, happy and thriving at home and in their communities. Being a caregiver can be a 24-hour job, and while nothing can be more rewarding, we know that caregiving can be challenging — physically, emotionally and financially.

The group will be held virtually on the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm, starting January 7th. For more information, see our flier here or contact Brooke Harvey at bharvey@mdsc.org or 781-221-0024 x207.

Down Syndrome & Mental Health Support Group (virtual )

Wednesday, February 12th | 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Does your teen or adult loved one with Down syndrome also have a mental health diagnosis such as Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder? Often these illnesses bring on a change in daily living skills, mood, or interest in activities once enjoyed. Seeing these changes and regression in your loved one can be very difficult.

Please note that individualized psychiatric treatment will not be provided at this meeting. This meeting is meant to serve as a venue for families with loved ones with Down syndrome and mental health concerns so that they may obtain mutual support with professional supervision.
Please email mentalhealth@mdsc.org to register or for more information.

Down Syndrome-Autism Connection Monthly Chat (age 18+)

Wednesday, February 26th | 8:00 p.m.
This is a virtual event.

The Down Syndrome-Autism Connection, an affiliate of MDSC, invites all families affected by Down syndrome and autism, including families who recently got an autism diagnosis, to join them for their regular Zoom chat the last Wednesday of every month at 8pm.

Now, to be able to serve families best, the DSAC is breaking out these monthly chats by age group — Up to 10, 11-17, and Over 18. With monthly meeting cycling through these three age groups, each cohort will now meet quarterly, from September to May. Mark your calendars!

Sign Language Workshop – Co-Hosted by MDSC & Boston Children’s Hospital Down Syndrome Program

Saturday, March 8th | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Join us for a baby sign language workshop for newer parents! This workshop will provide an introduction to using American Sign Language vocabulary in order to facilitate communication with your little one. You’ll learn when and how to start, what signs to start with, and strategies for incorporating sign language into your daily routine. We’ll have fun learning how to add signs to songs you and your baby already know and love to sing! This workshop is geared for parents of infants and toddlers.

This is an interactive workshop, so it would be great if you have your child with you, but if he/she is napping no worries…join us anyway for lots of fun learning!

Lane Rebelo, LCSW, is the author of including Baby Sign Language Made Easy, The Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language, My First Book of Baby Signs, and Baby Sign Language Songs and Games. She is the founder of Tiny Signs®, an award-winning baby sign language program. As a licensed social worker, Lane worked for many years with families in the Boston area. Lane began studying American Sign Language in 2006 after her first baby was born and was amazed by all she had to say. She lives with her husband and two children in MetroWest Boston.

YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Any questions, please reach out to Sarah Cullen (scullen@mdsc.org) or Angela Lombardo (ANGELA.LOMBARDO@childrens.harvard.edu)

This is a wonderful workshop – we hope to see you!


Taller de Lenguage de Señas

Pequenas señales, grandes conneciones

Sábado, Marzo 8, 2025 de 10 – 11 por Zoom

Unete a nosotros en el taller para lenguaje de senas para nuevas familias! Este taller ofrecerá una introducción al vocabulario de Lenguage Americano de Senas para facilitar la comunicación con su pequenito. Aprendera cuando y como comenzar, con que señales comenzar, estrategias para incorporar el lenguage de señas en su rutina diaria. Nos divertiremos adicionando señas en canciones que su bebe ya conoce y sabe cantar. Este taller esta dirigido a infantes y pequeñitos.

Es un taller interactivo, así que si puede traer a su hijito/a seria muy bueno, pero si está tomando su siesta no se preocupe…igual únete mientras aprendemos amenamente!

Lane Rebelo, LCSW, es autora de Baby Sign Language Made Easy, The Complete Guide to Baby Sign Language, My First Book of Baby Signs, and Baby Sign Language Songs and Games. Ella es fundadora de Tiny Signs®, un programa de baby sign language que recibió premios y reocnocimientos. Como asistente social certificada, Lane ha trabajado por muchos años en el área de Boston. Lane empezó a estudiar American Sign Language en 2006 despues de que nació su primogenitor y estaba asombrada con todo lo que hablaba. Junto a sus 2 hijos y esposo vive en MetroWest Boston.

Para registrarse comunicarse con: Tatiana Salinas: tsalinas@mdsc.org

Whatsapp: 347-836-0900