Tantrums, Tears and Tempers: Behavior is Communication

This information sheet from the PACER Center is about behavior – it’s purpose, factors affecting it, and how parents can encourage positive behavior. Original source: https://www.pacer.org/parent/php/php-c154.pdf…

Behavior and Down Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Parents

…A Practical Guide for Parents, offers practical advice parents can use right away to support positive behavior in their child with Down syndrome. Original source: Boston Children’s Hospital, https://www.childrenshospital.org/downsyndrome  …

Down syndrome: Guidelines for Inclusive Education- NDSS

…to adult life by providing educators, therapists, early interventionists, parents, and school districts with a guide to evidence-based practices. The publication is available for free on the NDSS website (https://www.ndss.org/inclusive-education-guidelines/)….

Just Like You – Down Syndrome

“Just Like You – Down Syndrome is a remarkable film that shows, above all, we’re people first,” said Barb Trader, TASH Executive Director. “For years, the complete ex-pression and availability…

¿Qué es la “intervención temprana”? CDC

…las necesidades del niño y la familia. Información de contacto de los programas de intervención temprana en los estados, estados libres asociados y territorios de los EE. UU- https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/spanish/actearly/parents/intervencionTemprana.html  …

Augmentative Communication Program, Boston Children’s Hospital

…The program provides comprehensive, state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment for children and adults with congenital or acquired disorders affecting expressive communication, comprehension and computer access. This includes children with autism. https://www.childrenshospital.org/Centers-And-Services/Programs/A-_-E/augmentative-communication-program#…