Adapting Experiences to Support Inclusion

A fact sheet from Inclusion Works discusses how to develop a new activity or modify an existing one to accommodate children with differing abilities.…

ReThinking: Home-School Communication, Karen Janowski

In this blog post, Karen Janowski explores the importance and benefits of effective home-school communication and considers alternatives to the traditional communication methods.…

Tantrums, Tears and Tempers: Behavior is Communication

This information sheet from the PACER Center is about behavior – it’s purpose, factors affecting it, and how parents can encourage positive behavior. Original source:…

What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

This article from Autism Speaks explains Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior.…

Parent’s Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

…to learn more about ABA services. Original source: Credits: publication developed by members of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network/Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health-Behavioral Health Sciences Committee…